1. Why NYSSSA? (why audition, why did you decide to attend?)
The first year I auditioned because my dance school recommended it but, the years after I auditioned hoping to be able to go again. One of the main reasons I wanted to go was because I knew that the incredible dancers from New York City Ballet would be teaching and I was excited to learn FROM them! I realized during the program it was so much more than that.
2. How did you find out about NYSSSA?
At my ballet school they had a table of recommended ballet schools for the summer season and NYSSSA was one of them.
3. Typical Day/Schedule at NYSSSA?
A typical weekday at NYSSSA starts at the dorms after you wake up around 7 am. You have between then and 8:30 to get ready for classes and eat breakfast or whatever you do in the morning until you get on the bus or a van to go to class (9:30-12). In the morning we normally have a technique class and then a pointe class.
Afterwards we go back to lunch and come back for various classes such as jazz, Pilates, or stretch (2-4) and then we go back to the dorms and we always have something fun planned! After dinner we may have a ballet to go to or any activity the counselors planned like spa night (my personal favorite), game night, or movie night.
4. Best Moment at NYSSSA?
I'm not sure I can pick just one! But definitely one of my favorite moments was the NYCB Gala at SPAC! It was absolutely awesome!
5. Why would you encourage someone to audition for NYSSSA?
I would encourage someone to audition for NYSSSA because it makes my summer every time. It's such an inspiring experience and you make so many friends and gain so much more than just the dancing skills. I think that is why I keep going back.